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3 Reasons DIY Termite Control Is Easier Than You Think
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3 Reasons DIY Termite Control Is Easier Than You Think
Termites are perhaps the biggest threat to the structure of your home. If left unchecked, termites can cause a ton of destruction that can ruin your home’s wooden frame and result in expensive repairs.
You may also find arranging a termite treatment service expensive. Hiring a professional termite exterminator to inspect and treat your home can cost from $900 to upwards of $2500.
Most people who decide to hire out for termite treatments do so because they feel getting rid of termites is a challenging process requiring a lot of experience and expertise. The truth is that termite treatments are not really that complicated in most cases. With a little direction and the right products, anyone can pull off an effective DIY termite treatment with satisfying results.
You may be intimidated by inspecting and treating your home for termites. We’re here to tell you that if you're up for the task, you can safely conduct a successful inspection and treatment of your home without needing any certification or training. Here are three reasons why:
Professional Grade Products
No matter how hard one might try, you can’t conduct an effective termite treatment without the right products. Some do-it-yourselfers looking to save money buy termite control products from their local big box store or garden center. This can be a costly mistake because while cheap, these products are usually inferior or watered-down and won’t be able to stop a large termite infestation.
Your best bet is to invest in high-quality professional termite products you won’t find at department stores. For example, Solutions Pest & Lawn offers the same products that professional pest control technicians use to treat termites and makes them available to you without needing an applicator’s license in most states.
While the pro-grade termite control products may cost more upfront compared to the diluted pesticides from big box stores, they are worth the price due to their effectiveness and lower cost per application. These termite tools and pesticides are guaranteed to work, and if you do it yourself, you're saving a ton of money on labor costs.
Minimal Equipment Required
While effective termiticides are essential when conducting a home termite treatment, the average homeowner might not have the right equipment to apply the chemicals. Novice do-it-yourselfers often get intimidated because they may need complex equipment such as a drill, injection rod, and similar equipment since termites mainly live in the soil.
While these items are helpful tools, they aren’t obligatory for effective treatment. For instance, to inspect for termites, you will need a flashlight and a screwdriver to check and probe wood around your home for termites. For the actual treatment (outside of termiticides, termite spray, and sprayers), at a bare minimum, you will need a shovel, a wheelbarrow, and a screwdriver gun with a few drill bits.
To monitor termites after treatment or to help prevent future infestations, a product like the Red Eye Termite Monitoring System is a useful low-cost tool that can easily be set up using a 4-inch auger bit attached to an everyday power drill.
Easy-To-Follow Expert Guides
You can have the right termiticides and the proper equipment, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you will not only not effectively eliminate the termite infestation, but you will also put yourself at risk.
DIY Termite treatments can often be complicated for novice do-it-yourselfers because the instructions may be too technical and contain excessive steps. This is when it’d be wise to seek knowledge from our experienced staff, who have used the products, know how they work, and can easily explain how to apply them.
Solutions Pest & Lawn offers expert advice and how-to steps for our recommended DIY termite control product. You can access our advice on our website, at our physical stores, through YouTube videos, and over the phone. Our advice is given in plain English without technical jargon that may confuse you.
We provide many easy-to-follow guides to empower you to confidently carry out DIY termite treatments on your home without worry.
Key Takeaways
- By using professional termite control products recommended by our experts, equipping yourself with basic household tools, and utilizing our helpful, easy-to-follow how-to guides, you can confidently eliminate your termite problem and protect your home.
- Whether your termite problem is a small or a larger infestation, you can overcome and treat it DIY when you use a trusted source like Solutions Pest and Lawn as your provider and guide for termite control.
- If you want to get started on a DIY termite treatment program to prevent further damage to your home, shop our recommended products on this page and use our termite treatment guides to conduct termite treatment like a pro to protect your home.