Kissing Bug Control

Most Effective Products

Supreme IT Insecticide
Suspended Concentrate
As low as $54.99
FiPro Foaming Aerosol
As low as $28.99
Keith's Pro Tips

"Using a combination of products is your best bet against kissing bug control rather than relying on one treatment product. For instance, if Supreme IT treatment doesn't kill the kissing bug, the Fipro Aerosol treatment will."

Kissing Bug Control: How to Get Rid of Kissing Bugs

This page is a general kissing bug control guide. Using the products and methods suggested, you will get control of kissing bugs. Follow this guide and use the recommended products, and we guarantee 100% control over kissing bugs.

Kissing bugs are common in homes and businesses. Almost all of the species of kissing bugs in America are mainly dark or brown with orange or red markings around the edges of their bodies. They have long mouthparts and feed on mammals and humans.

Kissing bugs are found in the garden, inside your home, or near animal quarters (dog houses, poultry houses, livestock quarters). They are mainly nocturnal, and outdoor lights attract them. They constantly look for a meal, so pets, animals, birds, and their resting places become important harborage areas.

Kissing bugs are potentially dangerous because they sometimes transmit Chagas disease, a disease known to cause serious heart and digestive problems that can be fatal. Even the species of kissing bugs that do not transmit Chagas disease can bite and create allergic reactions.


kissing bug identification how to get rid of kissing bugs

Kissing bugs belong to the family of insects known as assassin bugs, and you might find different species that look very similar to a kissing bug. The kissing bug is also confused with the boxelder bug, which looks strikingly similar to the kissing bug. 

  • All U.S. species are dark-colored, with red, orange, or yellow markings around the edge of the body.
  • Long piercing mouthparts.
  • Adults are usually one 1 inch but could also be 3/4 of an inch.
  • It is found in the Southern 2/3 of the United States.
  • He has dark eyes, unlike boxelder bug, which have red eyes. 
  • Bite humans around the mouth or eyes.


Kissing bugs are mainly nocturnal and tend to remain hidden throughout the day. Inspecting your home at night to look for kissing bugs and spot potential entry points would be best.

assassin bugs inspection

Where To Inspect

Indoors, look for any crack or crevice where kissing bugs may hide. Outdoors, look in your gardens, flower beds, mulch, yard debris, leaf litter, landscaping, and whole yard. Around the foundation of your structure, look for potential entry points around window frames and door frames and cracks and crevices that could lead inside.

What To Look For

You're looking for kissing bugs and potential entry points in your home. Since they are primarily found outdoors, you might not have as much luck finding them indoors. So focus your search on your yard. Look in dog houses, animal quarters, and animal burrows. On the foundation of your structure, look for potential cracks or crevices that Kissing bugs might use to get inside. Take note of the places where you found Kissing Bugs and entry points; these are the places where we will apply treatment. 


Once you have confirmed kissing bug activity, it is time to begin treatment. Remember to read all product labels, follow their application instructions, and wear personal protective equipment to stay safe.

Step 1: Apply Supreme IT Outdoors

Mix 1 ounce of Supreme IT with a gallon of water in a pump sprayer. This application rate will treat 1,000 square feet.

Apply around the foundation of your structure by spraying 3 feet up and 3 feet out from the walls. Also, spray window frames, door frames, eaves, cracks, and crevices where Kissing could enter the property.

Next, apply all over the yard (or do a broadcast treatment). Read the label for application rates as a broadcast treatment. Spray the whole yard with ornamentals, landscaping, and mulch beds. 

Do not let people or pets enter the treated area until it is dry.

Step 2: Indoor Treatment with Fipro Aerosol

how to get rid of kissing bugs fipro

Now you're ready for indoor treatment. You will use one product, Fipro Aerosol. Fipro is a great foaming aerosol that will penetrate small cracks and crevices inside the home, where many insects harbor, including the kissing bug.

Fipro comes in a ready-to-use foaming aerosol can. To use Fipro, simply shake it and apply it with the injection straw directly into cracks and crevices inside the home, anywhere you think a Kissing Bug might hide. This will be around window frames, under the sink, in baseboards, and anywhere there are openings or small cracks where kissing bugs may harbor.


how to get rid of kissing bugs prevention

To prevent kissing bugs from visiting your home or structure, start by sealing any crack or crevice in the foundation. Use caulk or copper mesh to completely seal any small crack or crevice where kissing bugs may enter.

Cleaning and de-cluttering your yard are important to prevent invasions of kissing bugs. If you have lots of wood, leaf, or vegetation debris, these are prime hiding areas for kissing bugs. Trim back any vegetation close to the home, especially bushes and trees that come in contact with your home's exterior walls.

Finally, re-apply Supreme IT every three months to ensure an insect-free home and to maintain the insecticidal barrier around your home active.

Key Takeaways

What are Kissing Bugs?

  • Kissing bugs are harmful insects that bite around the face and mouth areas of animals and humans and can sometimes spread Chagas disease.

How to Get Rid of Kissing Bugs

  • To treat kissing bugs, apply an outdoor treatment of Supreme IT every 3 months to maintain control. Indoors, apply Fipro Aerosol directly to cracks and crevices.

Prevent Kissing Bug Reinfestation

  • Exclusion and sealing of entry points are some of the best ways to prevent kissing bug re-infestation. Fix broken screens, add weather stripping, caulk any cracks and crevices, and maintain an uncluttered yard free of wood and leaf debris.
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  1. Size:
    Supreme IT Insecticide
    $54.99 - $179.99
  2. Size:
    FiPro Foaming Aerosol
    $28.99 - $28.99
  3. Size:
    Solutions Sprayer - 1 Gallon Poly
    $36.99 - $36.99
  4. Size:
    Solutions Hose End Sprayer
    $6.99 - $6.99
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