Non-Selective Herbicides

Non-Selective Herbicides

Non-Selective Herbicides

Non-selective herbicides are chemicals that are designed to kill or damage all plants that it comes into contact with.

By spreading a non-selective herbicide, you are almost guaranteed to wipe out any vegetation (whether broadleaf or grassy weeds) present on the application site with a single spraying.

Non-selective herbicides are especially useful for killing weeds where there shouldn’t be any plants at all such as along fence rows, cracks in sidewalks, and driveways. Because they are non-selective, they can be applied liberally rather than carefully with a spot treatment if you want to kill everything in sight.

Non-selective herbicides are very easy to use. Simply mix the non-selective herbicide of your choice in a handheld sprayer with water according to the label. Then you can apply to the targeted plants you want gone and thats it!

Shop our top recommended non-selective herbicides below. If you need help on choosing the right product or would like more information on applying the product properly, our experienced lawn care experts will be happy to help you.

Our Recommendations

Eraser herbicide on a table

Eraser - Eraser is a non-selective post-emergent herbicide that provides excellent control of unwanted grassy and broadleaf weeds. It contains 41% Glyphosate as it's active ingredient and is great for spot treatments. Easy to mix and works quickly.

Eraser is a much stronger alternative to the watered-down generic products you’d find in big box stores. It’s great for maintenance roads, driveways, walkways or anywhere that you don’t want vegetation.

Eraser is a particular favorite when going non-selective because it has a built-in surfactant which helps the product to stick better to the leaf surface and be more effective.

There is no soil residual and they are not toxic to humans or wildlife. The severity of damage depends on species and the season the product is applied.

User Guide

Tools Needed

  • Pump Sprayer
  • Selected Herbicide (Eraser)


  • Chemical Resistant Gloves
  • Dust / Mist Mask
  • Safety Glasses

Step 1: Mix up the Eraser

Eraser mixing in a pump sprayer

A pump sprayer is the preferred piece of equipment to use because it will help you get more precise control and also avoid as much drift as possible. It’s also wise to label the sprayer as “non-selective” because you don’t want to mix the chemicals in the sprayer with a selective herbicide and potentially burn your yard in the future.

Determine how much Eraser you need by calculating the square footage of the area you wish to treat. To do this, measure and multiply the area length times the width (length x width = square footage). According to the label, 2.5 oz. of eraser mixed in 1 gallon of water will treat 300 sq. ft.

Step 2: Apply the Product

Nonselective spraying with Eraser

With your PPE on, begin spraying the target area making sure to keep the sprayer nice and low to ground close to the vegetation so it doesn’t drift. Try to spray on a day that is not windy.

If you are spraying in areas where there is desired grass you should be careful in spot treating. You may have to be creative in avoiding the chemical getting on desired vegetation with something like painting the chemical onto the plants with a paintbrush or using cardboard or some other material to protect the desired plant from the herbicide.

Get the vegetation wet but not to the point of runoff as you down want the chemical dripping onto other plants that are non-target.

Keep your nozzle low and close to the ground and aim in a sweeping motion if weeds are growing along cracks.

Step 3: Reapply As Needed

Spraying parking lot with Eraser

You should start to notice yellowing in just a couple of days and within a week or two, the plants should be dead. If there is resistance or the plant is persistent a reapplication may be necessary.

Key Takeaways

What is a Non-Selective Herbicide?

  • Non-selective herbicides are a chemical product designed to totally kill any targeted plant vegetation on a landscape or property.

Top Recommendation for Non-Selective Herbicide

  • Our top recommendation for non-selective weed control is Eraser 41% Herbicide.

Non-Selective Herbicide Considerations

  • Non-selective herbicides kill all vegetation so if you have desired grasses around you should carefully spot treat or use tools that will help you protect the desired plants from being harmed.
  • Reapply non-selective herbicides as needed when dealing with more persistent weeds.
  1. Size:
    Gly Pho-Sel Plus Herbicide
    $34.07 - $34.07
  2. Size:
    Gly Pho-Sel Pro Dry 75 SG
    $25.99 - $25.99
  3. Size:
    Octane 2% SC
    $97.72 - $97.72
  4. Size:
  5. Size:
    Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone
    $15.99 - $37.60
  6. Size:
    BareSpot Weed & Grass
    $180.49 - $180.49
  7. Size:
    BareSpot Ureabor
    $204.99 - $204.99
  8. Size:
    BareGround Ultra
    $109.99 - $109.99
  9. Size:
  10. Size:
    Imazapyr 4 SL Herbicide
    $48.67 - $300.71
  11. Size:
    Quali-Pro Glyphosate Plus Herbicide
    $65.40 - $65.40
  12. Size:
    Aquathol K Aquatic Herbicide
    $116.95 - $264.28
  13. Size:
    Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide
    $272.70 - $516.99
  14. Size:
  15. Size:
    Alligare Ballast Herbicide
    $344.00 - $1,440.35
  16. Size:
    Flumigard SC Herbicide
    $214.99 - $358.00
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