

brown patch fungus

A fungicide is a chemical that is used to kill fungi, fungal spores, and fungal infections. In lawn care, it is primarily used as a form of plant protection for landscapes.

Fungicides control diseases caused by fungi either by inhibiting the growth of the fungus or killing the fungal pathogen. Fungicides only work specifically on fungus and cannot eliminate bacteria, nematodes, or viral diseases.

Fungicides have been part of disease management in gardens, greenhouses, and lawns for quite some time. Fungal and lawn diseases can be detrimental to the health and aesthetics of a yard or landscape and thus the use of fungicides can be a safe and affordable way to put a stop to the disease and save the infected plants.

For more detailed advice and recommendations for lawn fungus and disease control, you can contact us directly via phone, email or online live chat.

Our Recommendations

Patch Pro Fungicide - Patch Pro Fungicide is a systemic fungicide that contains the active ingredient Propiconazole and is designed to get rid of a broad spectrum of harmful and unsightly diseases on plants and lawns. Patch Pro controls many fungi and diseases such as brown patch, powdery mildew, and blight.

Systemic Fungicide RTS - Systemic Fungicide RTS is a fungicide that comes ready to use. This has the same active ingredient as Patch Pro, but it is a ready-to-spray product with no mixing required. Simply attach to a water hose and spray to take care of a variety of plant diseases on your turf and ornamentals.

These fungicides are able to cover a broad spectrum of common lawn fungus. They are also economical and safe to use on turf and plants. What you choose depends on your turf type, the fungal disease that has formed and personal preference.

User Guide

Tools Needed

  • Pump Sprayer or Hose End Sprayer
  • Selected Fungicide Product


  • Chemical Resistant Gloves
  • Dust / Mist Mask
  • Safety Glasses

Step 1: Identify the Fungus and Check Conditions

identify the type of fungus on your lawn

Specific plant types are more susceptible to some to diseases than others and researching and knowing plant disease susceptibility will help in creating a prevention schedule.

It is best to apply fungicide during the cool morning hours. If the temperature is more than 90 degrees F, wait until it is cooler to apply the fungicide.

It is important that you first know the type of fungus or disease your lawn has before proceeding with selecting a fungicide for treatment. Once the disease and/or fungus has been properly identified, you can take a look at what fungicides work best to treat your lawn.

Step 2: Mix the Fungicide

Mixing Patch Pro Fungicide in a handheld sprayer

Before mixing, determine how much product you need to cover the treatment area by calculating the square footage. To do this, measure and multiply the area length times the width (length x width = square footage).

Patch Pro should be mixed at a rate between .5 to 4 ounces per 1000 square feet in a gallon of water. So for example, if you have a yard that is 2,500 square feet, you would need to mix 1.5 to 10 ounces in 2.5 gallons of water. Fill a sprayer halfway with water, add the measured amount of Patch Pro and fill the rest of the way with water. Agitate the sprayer until well-mixed and you'll be ready to apply.

If using Systemic Fungicide RTS, simply share the bottle and connect it to your hose with the plastic tab in the OFF position. Turn the water on to your hose and then push the plastic tab to the ON position to begin spraying. 

Step 3: Apply Fungicide To Infected Plants

Spraying Turf with Fungicides

Spray the mixture onto the grass or ornamental plants until the mixture is dripping from the blades and leaves. For best results, use a nozzle on a fan spray setting for uniform coverage.

Depending on the severity of your disease you may have to re-apply the fungicide until you do not see the presence of the fungus any longer.

Things to Consider

In order to use fungicides successfully and in a safe and effective manner certain rules need to be put into place.

  • First, it is important that a fungus problem is diagnosed correctly. There are a variety of different fungi that could emerge onto a plant and they can appear for different reasons. Before applying a fungicide you have to make sure that you know which specific fungus you have and what the cause of the disease is. This way, you can know the right fungicide to purchase and the right cultural and environmental changes to make so it is less likely for fungi to thrive on your property.

  • Secondly, it is important that after selecting a fungicide to apply to your infected lawn that you carefully read the label and follow the provided instructions. This will not only protect your plant from being further damaged, but it will also protect keep you and the environment safe from health hazards from mishandling the fungicide.

  • Finally, follow the label recommendations of the proper times to treat your lawn with fungicide and how often to apply fungicide applications. Timing of the fungicide application at the optimum times can enhance the effectiveness of the product and prevent the need for additional fungicide spray applications

Key Takeaways

  • Fungicides are a chemical product designed to stop fungus and damaging lawn diseases from growing and spreading.
  • It’s important to identify the fungal disease growing on your lawn so you can choose the right fungicide to treat it.
  • Our top fungicide recommendations are Patch Pro Fungicide and Systemic Fungicide RTS
  • Re-apply fungicides once every other week for three or more applications or at least until the fungal disease has been eliminated.
  1. Size:
    Enclave Fungicide
    $305.00 - $305.00
  2. Size:
    Manzate Pro-Stick T&O
    $45.28 - $45.28
  3. Size:
    Armada 50 WDG Fungicide
    $133.64 - $133.64
  4. Size:
    Cleary's 3336F Fungicide
    $60.77 - $60.77
  5. Size:
    Nova Fungicide 20oz- Myclobutanil
    $155.00 - $155.00
  6. Size:
    Decree 50WDG
    $316.63 - $316.63
  7. Size:
    Azoxy 2SC Select Fungicide
    $158.00 - $158.00
  8. Size:
    Strobe Pro SC Fungicide
    $311.95 - $311.95
  9. Size:
    Southern Ag Liquid Copper Fungicide
    $12.69 - $19.59
  10. Size:
    Heritage TL Fungicide
    $626.25 - $626.25
  11. Size:
    Headway Fungicide
    $560.00 - $560.00
  12. Size:
    Palladium Fungicide
    $357.95 - $357.95
  13. Size:
    Micora Fungicide
    $339.00 - $339.00
  14. Size:
    Appear II Fungicide
    $449.33 - $449.33
  15. Size:
    Ascernity Fungicide
    $994.00 - $994.00
  16. Size:
    3336 DG Lite Fungicide
    $95.94 - $95.94
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