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Termidor SC Fipronil Insecticide / Termiticide Which pests does Termidor SC control? Termidor SC Is Safe For People And Pets How To Use Termidor SC Tips For Using Termidor SC Termidor SC Fipronil Insecticide / Termiticide
Termidor SC Fipronil Insecticide / Termiticide

Termidor SC Fipronil Insecticide / Termiticide


Termidor SC Fipronil Insecticide / Termiticide

Termidor SC is a professional fipronil 9.1% insecticide that kills termites, ants, beetles, cockroaches, and more. Termidor is non-repellent, offers 100% control of termite populations within 90 days or less, and lasts over 10 years.

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Termidor SC Termiticide, manufactured by BASF, is an effective, long-lasting termiticide and insecticide with Fipronil 9.1% as its active ingredient. The active ingredient provides effective results through the active's unique systemic transfer effect.

Termidor can control 100% of termite species within 3 months and will continue to control termites and other pests for extended periods.

As a low-odor, non-repellent insecticide, pests like termites, ants, and others will unknowingly come into contact with it and spread it to other colony members through contact or food sharing, resulting in total colony elimination and control over major termite species.

Termidor SC also controls other common pests, such as cockroaches, spiders, ticks, and more, within 90 days. When used as an in-ground barrier treatment, it will protect your home or business for up to 10 years.

As a flexible product with a broad label, it can be used for pre and post-construction termite applications and general pest control, including termite trenching, sub-slab injections, structural void applications, and exterior surface spraying without damaging water-safe surfaces.

Tools Needed

Using pickaxe for treatment trench

To apply Termidor SC as a termite treatment, you will need a handheld pump sprayer, a backpack sprayer, or a spray rig for large-volume applications. You will also need a pickaxe or shovel to dig the trench and a bucket with at least a 5-gallon capacity to mix and apply the product.

Do not use this product in a spray tank with borate contaminants.

How to Apply Termidor SC

Pouring in mixed Termidor SC solution.

  • Step 1: Determine how much Termidor SC to use by measuring the square footage of the treatment area. Find the square footage by measuring the treatment areas' length and width in feet, then multiply them together (length X width = square feet). For termite trenching, measure the perimeter of the structure in feet. Termidor SC can be mixed between 0.4 fluid ounces per gallon of water and 1.6 fluid ounces per gallon of water, depending on the desired dilution ratio. We recommend using 0.8 fluid ounces per gallon of water for a 0.06% dilution for most applications. For general exterior surface spraying, a one-gallon dilution will treat about 1,000 square feet. For termite trenching, you will need 4 gallons of dilution to treat 10 linear feet.
  • Step 2: For exterior surface applications with a one-gallon sprayer, fill your sprayer about a quarter of the way full. Then, add 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor SC to the tank. Fill the sprayer the rest of the way with water to the one-gallon mark, and then shake the sprayer to agitate and create a thorough mix. Mix 0.8 fluid ounces per gallon of water in a bucket up to 4 gallons for termite trenching applications. It is easier to use a 5 gallon bucket so that it will not be filled to the brim and will help prevent spilling. To create a 4 gallon solution, you will need 3.2 fl. oz. (0.8 fl. oz. per gallon of water).
  • Step 3: For exterior surface applications, apply Termidor SC as a low-pressure, coarse spray. Spray up to an 18 inch wide band around common insect entry points, such as around doors, windows, and vents, where plumbing penetrates the walls, wires enter the structure, and any other openings. Also, treat the perimeter of the house or structure by spraying where the ground meets the foundation, spraying one foot up the structure and one foot out. Dig a trench around the structure’s perimeter 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep for termite trenching applications. Hang on to the displaced soil, which will be used to backfill the trench after application. Because you will be applying 4 gallons of solution per 10 linear feet, creating a dam with the soil every 10 feet of the trench is helpful to section off each 10-foot stretch. Pour your finished Termidor solution into each 10-foot stretch. Then, backfill by replacing the displaced soil. Be sure to pack the soil down for adequate distribution.

Where to Use

Termidor SC can treat pre- and post-construction of commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential structures and utility enclosures. It can be used on exterior surfaces, voids, exterior crawl spaces, perimeter trenches, under concrete slabs, and interior wall voids.

This product may also be used for crawl spaces, basements, concrete slabs on the ground or in basements (including monolithic/floating/supported concrete slabs), hollow block foundations/voids, structures with French drains and sump pumps, structures with wells or cisterns, plenum construction, and garages (attached garage floors should be treated in structures).

Termidor SC cannot be used indoors unless limited to vulnerable areas such as around plumbing/utility lines penetrating floors, shower pan drains, bath traps, or along expansion joints or settlement cracks.

However, if known termite activity exists (as described at the beginning of the Post-construction Exterior Perimeter/Localized Interior (EP/LI) Structural Termite Treatments section of the Termidor SC Label) in areas on the interior of the structure's living spaces (i.e., occupied areas of the structure) or non-living spaces (e.g., crawl spaces, plenums), a localized interior treatment must be made at the site of the termite activity and at least 2 feet in two or more directions radiating from the site.

Do not contaminate wells or cisterns.

This product cannot be applied to air conditioning units, air intake vents, playground equipment, pet quarters, and boat houses, including piers or pilings.

When to Use

Use Termidor SC to treat and prevent termites and other listed pests. Apply on calm days when rain is not in the immediate forecast. Do not treat water-saturated or frozen soil.

Termidor can only be applied two times per calendar year at a 0.06% dilution for general pest control.

Safety Information

Termidor SC is safe to use around pets and children when applied according to the product label instructions. Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when mixing and applying this product.

Do not allow residents, children, or pets to contact treated areas or reoccupy treated areas until the spray has dried.

Do not treat within a distance of one foot out from edible plants.

Special Considerations

For best results, remove or prune away bushes, shrubbery, and tree branches touching the structure. Vegetation touching the structure may be a route of entry for pests, which may allow pests to inhabit the structure without coming in contact with Termidor SC Termiticide treatment.

Termidor SC has been granted FIFRA Section 18 Quarantine Exemption to control tawny crazy ants in some Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi counties. It can now be applied 3 feet up and 10 feet out from structural foundations and up to 10 feet around utility wires.

Restricted UseNo
Shipping Restrictions78 Ounce: AK, CA, CT, HI, IN, MI, NY, OR, RI, SC, VT, WA
20 Ounce: AK, CA, CT, HI, IN, MI, NY, OR, RI, SC, VT, WA
Keith's Pro Tips"When finishing up a termite trench treatment, spraying the backfill soil is also a good idea if you cannot push it back in the trench right away. This will ensure that your trench is an effective barrier from top to bottom."
Product DrawbacksTermidor SC is limited to exterior perimeter treatments, termite trenching, injection, and wall void applications. It cannot be used for broadcast or general interior spraying.
Target PestsSubterranean Termites, Arboreal Termites, Drywood Termites, Dampwood Termites, Wood-infesting Beetles, Carpenter Ants, Beetles, Wood-infesting Borers, Termite Carton Nests, Carpenter Bees, Ants, Acrobat Ants, Argentine Ants, Big-headed Ants, Crazy Ants, Odorous Ants, Pavement Ants, Pharaoh Ants, Thief Ants, Asian Lady Beetles, Darkling Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Pillbugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches, Australian Cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches, Smokey Brown Roaches, House Crickets, European Earwigs, Cluster Flies, Millipedes, Silverfish, Spiders, Black Widow Spiders, Brown Recluse Spiders, Cellar Spider, Hobo Spider, Brown Dog Ticks, Paper Wasps, and Yellowjacket.
Application EquipmentApplicator Gun, Backpack Sprayer, Gloves, Hammer Drill, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Respirator Mask, Spray Rig, Termite Tool
Application MethodsCrack & Crevice, Injection, Spot Treatment, Trench Treatment
Active IngredientFipronil 9.1%
Product TypeInsecticide
FormulationSuspended Concentrate
Application RateTermidor SC can be mixed between 0.4 fluid ounces per gallon of water to 1.6 fluid ounces per gallon of water depending on the desired dilution ratio. For most applications, we recommend using 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor per gallon of water for a 0.06% dilution.
Shelf LifeTermidor SC may last up to 5 years when stored properly in a cool, dry space.
YieldFor termite trenching, a 20 oz. bottle will make 25 gallons of solution and treats 60 lineal feet of trenching. For termite pre-treat use 1 gallon of finished solution per 10 sq. ft.
Use SitesOutdoors
Time to KillTermidor will last up to 90 days for general pests. It will last up to 10 years when trenched around a structure.
Comparable ProductsTaurus SC
EPA Registration #7969-210
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Excellent, recommended follow up. Client says “no need” they are all gone.
No smell
Does the job intended
We have had great results with Termador and will continue to use when needed. This is our 3rd purchase throughout the years.
Make sure to read and abide to the directions.
Does the job intended
We have had great results with Termador and will continue to use when needed. This is our 3rd purchase throughout the years.
Make sure to read and abide to the directions.
Works great
No more ants
Product performed amazing
Great product
This product applied very nicely, but we wish it came in a larger bottle so that it could cover more surface area.
Termidor SC - Fipronil
Top notch product for exterior home defense. Insects of all kinds down here in Florida, needed a multipurpose catch all to keep them away from home perimeter. My combo Termidor SC / Scion / Nyguard IGR. Backpack sprayer. Reapply at 3 month intervals. DIY, be safe about it, googles, good 3M mask, hat, long sleeve shirt, pants, boots.
Excelente producto y el servicio que ofrecen también
I followed the directions for the product. I had subterranean termites. I trenched and used protective gear, and no more termites.
Requires work to trench
Donna was the lady that helped me get my order through. She was so pleasant and patient. She didn’t seem to be worried with my situation.. I asked for her name that I could be assured that she would be the person I could speak with in the future.
More Information
Restricted Use No
Shipping Restrictions AK, CA, CT, HI, IN, MI, NY, RI, SC, VT, WA
Availability Online
Signal Word CAUTION
Keith's Pro Tip "When finishing up a termite trench treatment, spraying the backfill soil is also a good idea if you cannot push it back in the trench right away. This will ensure that your trench is an effective barrier from top to bottom."
Time to Kill Termidor will last up to 90 days for general pests. It will last up to 10 years when trenched around a structure.
Chemical Type Insecticide
Formulation Suspended Concentrate
Application Methods Crack & Crevice, Injection, Spot Treatment, Trench Treatment
Product Drawbacks Termidor SC is limited to exterior perimeter treatments, termite trenching, injection, and wall void applications. It cannot be used for broadcast or general interior spraying.
Active Ingredient Fipronil 9.1%
Application Equipment Applicator Gun, Backpack Sprayer, Gloves, Hammer Drill, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Respirator Mask, Spray Rig, Termite Tool
Mix Rate Termidor SC can be mixed between 0.4 fluid ounces per gallon of water to 1.6 fluid ounces per gallon of water depending on the desired dilution ratio. For most applications, we recommend using 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor per gallon of water for a 0.06% dilution.
Use Sites Outdoors
Yield For termite trenching, a 20 oz. bottle will make 25 gallons of solution and treats 60 lineal feet of trenching. For termite pre-treat use 1 gallon of finished solution per 10 sq. ft.
EPA Registration No. 7969-210
Shelf Life Termidor SC may last up to 5 years when stored properly in a cool, dry space.
Comparable Products Taurus SC
Children or pets? No
Property Characteristics Food-Bearing Plants, Streams/Ponds/Lakes
Questions and Answers
  1. Q:Can Termidor SC be used for Yellow Jackets inside wall voids? And surrounding areas where they land?
    A:Yes, Termidor SC can be used as an exterior perimeter application during the post-construction stage of a listed structure and as a wall void treatment for yellow jackets. A foam application must be used for wall void applications.


  2. Q: Can termidor sc be used in cuba? Can we ship it there? Or can we taje it on our luggage? Thank you
    A:No, Termidor SC cannot be bought or shipped to Cuba.


  3. Q:Hi! do you place orders for méxico?, i've been looking for this product in other websites but i just don't find it, the only aviable is one calls "termidor 25 CE" but i don't know if is a good one. I hope you can solve my question, thank you!!!
    A:Termidor SC cannot be bought in or shipped to Mexico.


  4. Q:I see tubs of termite evidence in my garage & crawl space. I’ve trenched around my home. I have drilled holes in my driveway, and inserted the Taurus SC to treat that area. How do I treat the crawl space? Do I need to trench all around in my crawl space? Also can I spray the Taurus SC on the mud tubs in crawl space and the garage? Do I need to clean out mud tubes or knock down first?
    A:If your home has a raised foundation then you would perform an outdoor trench application around each pier/post accessible under the crawlspace. Everywhere you dig you will follow the method of digging a 6x6 trench and use 4 gallons to every 10 linear feet. Do not break the mud tubes during the time of application. If termite activity is no longer noticed then its fine to go ahead and break them.


  5. Q:What’s the best product to treat the exterior of your home and around large oak trees for carpenter ants?
    A:Termidor is a great product for killing ants and he keeps them away for months.


  6. Q:Can this product be used to kill carpenter bees?
    A:Carpenter bees will be controlled with Termidor SC. Page 14 of the label will have more info on how to control this pest with this product. For more tips and prevention, you can also check out our DIY guide.


  7. Q:Hi , can i use termidor as indicated to protect my house against ants?
    A:Termidor SC will treat carpenter ants in specific parts of your home. For a complete perimeter application against ants around your home, we suggesting using Supreme IT. Apply 1 fl. oz. of product per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. of the structures exterior foundation. Spray 3 feet up the foundation and 3 feet out on the ground next to it. For more prevention and control against ants be sure to look at our DIY guides.


  8. Q:I have leaf cutter ants I read that Termidor Would help in destroying the mound. But I may have to do several applications. Please help.....they are eating my...plants Bare Thank you
    A:Leaf cutter ants will not be controlled with Termidor SC Fipronil Insecticide. We would instead recommend Supreme IT to remove leaf cutter ants. The best control ant control with this product will be achieved by using broadcast treatments combined with ant mound drenches. Apply 1 fl. oz. of Supreme IT per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn for broadcast treatments. For mound drenches, dilute 1 teaspoon of product per gallon of water and use 1 to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force to penetrate the top and allow dilution to flood ant channels. Treat a four-foot diameter around each ant mound.


  9. Q:how many 20 oz bottles needs to make a trench treatment of 185 feet around house? thanks.
    A:You would need 3 of the 20 oz bottles of Termidor SC. This is because you would need to use 4 gallons of the finished dilution rate of 0.06% to treat 10 linear feet. This will be done by mixing 0.8 fl. oz. of product in 1 gallon of water to create 1 gallon of finished dilution. So you would need 59.2 fl. oz. of product to treat 185 linear feet.


  10. Q:What are the shipping restrictions to NY?
    A:Termidor SC Termiticide cannot be bought and shipped to New York. Each states department of agriculture regulates the use of certain chemicals within products, which may not be approved of in certain states.

    Amanda Chavez

    Certified Buyer

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