Expel Turf Herbicide
Expel Turf Herbicide Expel Turf Herbicide

Expel Turf Herbicide


Expel Turf Herbicide

Expel Turf Herbicide is an effective selective herbicide that controls over 50 types of post-emergent grass weeds, sedges, winter annual weeds, and broadleaf weeds in cool-seasoned and warm-seasoned turf.

As low as $90.63
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Expel Turf Herbicide product page
Min : 90.63 - Max : 90.63
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Expel Turf Herbicide, manufactured by CSI, is an easy-to-use soil-applied product that controls difficult weed species such as yellow nutsedge or spurge in warm-seasoned and cool-seasoned turfs within residential, commercial, or institutional lawns.

Once applied, this liquid-formulated product seeps into the treated plants, moving throughout the stem to reach the roots, effectively killing the weed within 24 hours.

Expel Turf Herbicide comes in a convenient squeeze-and-measure bottle, creating little handle-ment during application and lessening the possibility of product spillage.

Tools Needed

This product can be applied with a backpack sprayer, spray rig, boom and nozzle sprayer, or boomless application equipment.

How to Use

  • Step 1: Determine how much Expel Turf Herbicide to use by measuring the square footage of the treatment area. To find this, measure the length and width of the treatment site in feet and multiply them together (length X width = square footage). For acreage, divide the square footage by one acre (square footage / 43,560 = acre). The application rate for cool-seasoned grasses will apply 4 to 8 oz. of Expel Turf Herbicide per 10 gallons of water per acre. For warm-seasoned grasses, use 8 to 12 oz. of product per 10 gallons of water per acre. Refer to the label for specific application rates.
  • Step 2: Fill your selected sprayer halfway with water, add the measured amount of Expel Turf Herbicide, and pour in the remaining half. Close the sprayer tank lid and shake until the solution is well-mixed.
  • Step 3: On a low-pressure spray, coat the plant base and soil surrounding the weed until wet. Allow 35 days to pass from the first treatment before applying a second application. Best results are seen when waiting at least 1 month after product application before sprigging, overseeding, or reseeding.

Where to Use

Expel Turf Herbicide is to be used on railroad, highway, roadside, pipeline, utility right-of-way, industrial areas, fence rows, non-crop sites, residential and institutional lawns, athletic fields, commercial sod farms, golf course fairways and roughs, in container and field grown ornamentals, cool-seasoned grass, and warm-seasoned grass.

Do not use within 50 feet of sinkholes, reservoirs, impounded or natural lakes, wells (including drainage and abandoned wells), intermittent/perennial rivers, and streams. This product should also not be applied to areas with ornamental bulbs or dormant non-woody perennials, nor on coarse soils (sand) or food-producing trees, vines, or plants.

When to Use

Use Expel Turf Herbicide when the turf is well-established or weeds are relatively small; typically, this will be in early spring, late summer, or fall. Apply on calm, warm days when the soil is firm and not moist.

Safety Information

Expel Turf Herbicide is safe to use around children or pets when used according to the product label instructions. Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when mixing or spraying this product.

Do not allow children, pets, or other individuals to enter treated areas until the sprays have dried or 24 hours have passed since the application.

Special Considerations

St. Augustine grass and some varieties of bahiagrass, rough bluegrass, or zoysiagrass, particularly stress-weakened turfgrass, can experience temporary leaf surface discoloration (removed upon mowing) upon application of Expel Turf Herbicide.

Restricted UseNo
Shipping Restrictions32 Ounce: AK, AZ, CA, CT, HI, IN, MI, NY, OR, RI, SC, VT, WA
Keith's Pro Tips"Not all varieties or cultivars have been tested with Expel Turf Herbicide. Before treatment on new turfgrass varieties, test response to this product by applying to a small turfgrass area."
Product DrawbacksExpel Turf Herbicide can cause unacceptable injury to actively growing foliage of desirable plant species.
Target PestsBroadleaf Weeds Controlled: Common chickweed, Mouseear chickweed, Cinquefoil, Clover, Copperleaf, Cudweed, Dandelion, Curly Dock, Dollarweed, Eclipta, Evening primrose, Fiddleneck, Filaree, Galinsoga, Wild garlic, Goldenrod, Ground ivy, Common groundsel, Henbit, Knawel, Prostrate Knotweed, Common Lambsquarters, Lawn burweed (spurweed), Common Lespedeza, Common mallow, Wild onion, Parsley piert, Pigweed redroot, Pigweed smooth, Pigweed tumble, Pineapple weed, Plantain buckthorn, Puncture weed, Common purslane, Florida pursley, Red weed, London rocket, Shepherd’s purse, Smartweed PA, Red sorrel, Speedwell, Annual spurge, Prostrate spurge, Spotted spurge, Star of Bethlehem, Velvetleaf, Violet Johnny-jump-up, Wild violet, Creeping woodsorrel, and Yellow woodsorrel. Grassy weeds Controlled: Goosegrass. Sedges Controlled: Green Kyllinga, False Green Kyllinga, Purple Nutsedge, Yellow Nutsedge, Cylindrical sedge, Globe sedge, Surinam sedge, and Texas sedge.
Application EquipmentBackpack Sprayer, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer
Application MethodsSpot Treatment
Active IngredientSulfentrazone 39.6%
Product TypeHerbicide
FormulationEmulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Application RateFor cool-seasoned grasses, apply 4 to 8 oz. of Expel Turf Herbicide per 10 gallons of water per acre. For warm-seasoned grasses, use 8 to 12 oz. of product per 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply no more than 12.0 oz. of Expel Turf Herbicide per 10 gallons of water per acre per 12 month period.
Shelf LifeExpel Turf Herbicide will continue to be effective for 3 years when kept in its original container within a cool, dry place free of excess heat. Keep away from other pesticides, fertilizer, food or feed.
YieldA quart of Expel Turf Herbicide will treat up to 4 acres.
Use SitesOutdoors
Time to KillExpel Turf Herbicide will work immediately upon application providing visible results in as little as 24 hours.
Comparable ProductsSulfentrazone 4SC Select
Incompatible Home SidingBrick, Hardie Plank, Stone Veneer, Wood, Vinyl
EPA Registration # 53883-478
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George Douthit
Verified Buyer
Received timely. Used on yellow nutsedge and could see it working in a couple days.
Verified Buyer
Great for nutsedge
Used this to kill nutsedge around my driveway and sidewalks. Noticed teh weeds dying within a day. Fast, free shipping for htis helped alot to.
More Information
Restricted Use No
Shipping Restrictions AK, AZ, CA, CT, HI, IN, MI, NY, OR, RI, SC, VT, WA
Availability Online
Signal Word CAUTION
Keith's Pro Tip "Not all varieties or cultivars have been tested with Expel Turf Herbicide. Before treatment on new turfgrass varieties, test response to this product by applying to a small turfgrass area."
Target Pests Multi Annual Spurge, Buckhorn Plantain, Chickweed, Cinquefoil, Clover, Common Groundsel, Common Lambsquarters, Common Lespedeza, Common Mallow, Common Purslane, Copperleaf, Creeping Woodsorrel, Cudweed, Curly Dock, Cylindric Sedge, Dandelion, Dollarweed, Eclipta, Evening Primrose, False Green Kyllinga, Fiddleneck, Filaree, Florida Pusley, Galinsoga, Goosegrass, Green Kylinga, Henbit, Knawel, Lawn Burweed, London Rocket, Mouseear Chickweed, Parsley Piert, Pennsylvania Smartweed, Pineapple_Weed, Prostrate Spurge, Prostrate_Knotweed, Puncture Weed, Purple Nutsedge, Red Sorrel, Red weed, Redroot Pigweed, Shepherdspurse, Smooth Pigweed, Speedwell, Spotted Spurge, Star of Bethlehem, Surinam Sedge, Texas Sedge, Tumble Pigweed, Velvetleaf, Wild Garlic, Wild Onion, Yellow_Nutsedge, Yellow_Woodsorrel, Goldenrod, Ground Ivy, Wild Violet
Time to Kill Expel Turf Herbicide will work immediately upon application providing visible results in as little as 24 hours.
Chemical Type Herbicide
Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Application Methods Spot Treatment
Product Drawbacks Expel Turf Herbicide can cause unacceptable injury to actively growing foliage of desirable plant species.
Active Ingredient Sulfentrazone 39.6%
Application Equipment Backpack Sprayer, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer
Mix Rate For cool-seasoned grasses, apply 4 to 8 oz. of Expel Turf Herbicide per 10 gallons of water per acre. For warm-seasoned grasses, use 8 to 12 oz. of product per 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply no more than 12.0 oz. of Expel Turf Herbicide per 10 gallons of water per acre per 12 month period.
Low Use Rate 0.09 oz./1,000 sq. ft.
Use Sites Outdoors
Yield A quart of Expel Turf Herbicide will treat up to 4 acres.
EPA Registration No. 53883-478
Shelf Life Expel Turf Herbicide will continue to be effective for 3 years when kept in its original container within a cool, dry place free of excess heat. Keep away from other pesticides, fertilizer, food or feed.
Comparable Products Sulfentrazone 4SC Select
Children or pets? No
Property Characteristics None
Questions and Answers
  1. Q:Can Expel be applied to centipede lawns?
    A:Yes, Expel Turf can be applied to centipedegrass lawns.


  2. Q:Can it be used on pasture ground that is active grazed
    A:No, it cannot. Keep in mind that pastures cannot be treated with this product. Do not feed forage or allow grazing of turf treated with Expel Turf.


  3. Q:Can expel be used in myrtle and English ivy beds to kill weeds that occur in these beds?
    A:Crape myrtle is tolerant to Expel Turf Herbicide, but English Ivy is not labeled to be used with this product. This product cannot be used in landscape beds.

    Amanda Chavez

    Certified Buyer
  4. Q:Can Expel be used on residential lawns?
    A:Yes, Expel Turf Herbicide can be used on residential lawns.

    Amanda Chavez

    Certified Buyer
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