How to Keep Wasps and Bees Out of Your Pool

How to Keep Wasps and Bees Out of Your Pool

Most Effective Products

Sylo Insecticide
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
As low as $59.99
Stryker Wasp and Hornet Killer
As low as $12.33
Keith's Pro Tips

"Bees, wasps, and hornets prefer calm water to avoid their wings from becoming wet. A preventative method to keeping these pests away could call for a water agitator within your pool."

How to Keep Wasps, Hornets, and Bees Out of Your Pool

This article is a professional guide to keeping stinging pests like wasps, hornets, and bees from landing into your pool. By using the recommended products and methods listed throughout this DIY guide you will get complete control of wasp and bees infestations. Follow the steps to remove these stinging pests, but to also prevent future reinfestations in your yard and pool.

For homeowners with pools in their yards, summertime often means lounging by the pool or just spending time outside soaking up as much sun as possible. It also means facing consistent bees, wasps, and hornets flying around and floating in your pool water. This leads many homeowners to asking themselves the question "how do I keep getting bees, wasps, or hornets in my pool?" The warm summer weather means that these stinging pests are seeking out water sources, which your pool readily provides.

In addition to a reliable water source, nearby ornamentals and patios support food and habitat needs for bees, wasps, and hornets. Bees and wasps often transfer the water from your pool to other colony members to create their nests. These stinging pests collect water when the thirst level is high in colonies or nests, to cool down hives, and for larvae to feed on.

From multiple cleaning efforts to possible home infestation, the main reason to keep wasps, bees, and hornets away from your property is because of their stingers. Unlike bees, wasps and hornets can sting multiple times without perishing. The best way to avoid unwanted stings and pests in your pool is to repel them from the yard by following the steps and recommended products throughout this DIY guide.

Remove Water Sources

Covered Pool

Chances are wasps, bees, and hornets have deemed your pool as their usual water source when there are frequent pests in water or flying activities around the pool. Though not ideal it would be best to temporarily drain pools until selected pesticides have dried on labeled application sites and pest activity has decreased.

Another route to take is to invest in a pool cover for your pool when it is not in use. A pool cover could be a plastic tarp or an automatic built-in cover. Either one of these options will need to effectively cover each end and side of the pool. Once installed these pests will be unable to reach your pool water. Make sure there are no holes, cracks, and crevices within the cover otherwise dirt, leaves, hornets, wasps, and bees can still come through.

Relocate Ornamentals and Landscapes

Backyard Landscape

The scent of flowers along with abundance of shrubbery attracts bees, wasps, and hornets due to potential sources of food and nest sites. Having ornamental foliage and landscapes around your pool could increase the presence of these stinging pests. Especially if there are certain types of flowers near your pool, which pests like bees favor for nectar.

While it may seem overwhelming to relocate flowers, plants, shrubs, and small trees from the pool area, relocation might be your best option. Plant or relocate foliage at least 8 feet and more from the pools edge or move to another spot within your yard that is not frequented greatly by people and pets.

Water the foliage before digging or removing it from its container. The soil will need to be saturated with no more than an inch of irrigation to avoid over-watering, but to also remove the roots without harm. One at a time take the plants from their original spot or container until ready to be replanted. Plant roots can easily become dry and wither when exposed. When digging up established plants make a circle around the plant from a distance of 12 inches.

Put the established plant into the hole then fill halfway with soil, and then water again with an inch of irrigation. Give enough time for the watered soil to dry around the roots before placing the rest of the soil into the hole. With a glove covered hand, light press the soil around the transplant foliage to avoid any air pockets.

Take Away Nests

Spraying Stinging Pest Nest

Regularly walk around your yard to look for bee, wasps, and hornet nests. As these stinging pests depend on water it is very likely their nests will be close to your pool. Wasps, bees, and hornet nests are found outside in elevated areas like trees, shrubs, fences, utility lines, and around the home in concealed sites from window and door frames, attics, vent, and chimneys.

Each pests nest will have their share of differences so its important to take note of where they are located and what they look like. A hornets nest is made from saliva and chewed wood formed into a football shape, which loosely hangs from a stalk. Wasp nests have a large, papery and open appearance with an upside-down umbrella shape. Bee nests like honey bees are often shaped like footballs or basketballs and are sometimes large with a textured paper appearance.

For best results, apply insecticide treatments in the evening since these pests are less likely to be active or in the nest at night. Before carrying out any form of bee, wasp, or hornet treatment make sure you are properly dressed with personal protective equipment (PPE) or for the utmost protection a professional bee suit.

We recommend using Stryker Wasp and Hornet Killer to eliminate stinging pest nests. Stryker Wasp and Hornet Killer is an aerosol spray that delivers a quick knockdown of wasps, hornets, and bees as well as their nests from a safe distance of 20-foot when spraying. To use, align the nozzle valve opening with the mark on the valve cup.

For wasps and hornets, you will hold Stryker Wasp and Hornet Killer in an upright position and stand from a safe distance of 6-15 ft from the nest, but not directly underneath. Aim the nozzle valve opening toward the nest with the wind towards your back. Spray until the nest is thoroughly wet and on any pests on the nest when possible.

For bees, perform a sweeping motion while holding down the actuator to treat any active or agitated bees around the nest opening. Then move forward to the nest opening and apply for 6-8 seconds directly into the nest hole.

Repel Them From Yard

Spraying Eave

Prevent bees, wasps, and hornets from coming into your yard and creating suitable nests adjacent to your pool by applying a residual insecticide within eaves, cracks, and crevices around your home. Sylo Insecticide is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide with a emulsifiable concentrate formulation that will kill pests upon contact and after it has dried. When applied, this product will last up to 90 days before another application is needed.

Perform a barrier treatment and spray around entry points like window and door frames and along the foundation with a handheld pump sprayer. Apply a 0.1% emulsion of Sylo Insecticide. You can do this by easily mixing 1/2 fl. oz. of Sylo Insecticide with 1 gallon of water. To prepare the solution pour half of the water into the spray tank, then add measured amount of Sylo Insecticide, then add remaining half of water. Close the sprayer lid and shake until solution is evenly mixed.

Spray the foundation of your home on a low-pressure setting by spraying 3 feet up and 6 to 10 feet out on the ground. You will also need to spray eaves, porch window frames, patios, garages, carports, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and other residential structures, and trunks of woody ornamentals.

Keep children and pets off treated areas until completely dry. Do not allow liquid, runoff, or spillage to occur near your pool and other treatment areas.

Key Takeaways

Why Are Bees, Wasps, and Hornets Attracted to Your Pool?

  • Wasps, hornets, and bees are attracted to large, open water sources such as your pool. Other factors that could attract them are adjacent ornamentals and sufficient crevices and cracks to create their nests within.

How to Get Rid of Wasps, Bees, and Hornets in Pools

  • You will need to make your yard unsuitable for bees, wasps, and hornets by applying a residual insecticide like Sylo Insecticide in outdoor entry points like eaves and window and door frames. Next, you will to remove their nests by spraying it with Stryker Wasp and Hornet Killer rendering it unusable to pests for future and current infestations. Any outdoor foliage surrounding your pool will need to moved at least 8 feet and more to prevent pests from coming near water.

How To Prevents Bees, Wasps, and Hornets From Visiting Your Pool

  • Keep the entire perimeter of your pool free of foliage and treat your homes perimeter, entry points, window and door frames, eaves, patios, trunks of woody ornamentals, garages, and patios with Sylo Insecticide every 90 days. Spray pest nests when immediately noticed and make application in the evening with Stryker Wasp and Hornet Killer.
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