How to Get Rid of Fleas From Your Car

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How to Get Rid of Fleas From Your Car

Most Effective Products

Novacide Flea & Tick Killer
As low as $27.99
Keith's Pro Tips

"Killing adult fleas is not enough to remove fleas from your car. The majority of flea infestations are eggs and larvae, so if you kill the adults within a week or so, the next generation will arrive. Novacide applications are essential because the product has a long residual."

How to Get Rid of Fleas From Your Car

This page is an expert guide on getting rid of fleas from your car using the products and methods suggested by our experienced pest control specialists. Follow this guide and use the recommended products, and we guarantee you will be successful in ridding your car of fleas.

A flea infestation in your home can be irritating, but if it extends to your car, it can be incredibly unpleasant. Fleas enter your car usually the same way they enter your house, but you may suffer from their bite a lot more in cars than inside your home.

But how do these tiny jumping creatures get inside your car? Most commonly, a flea infestation in the car results from taking your pet on a ride while they are infested by fleas, which transfer onto the carpeting of your car.

No matter how many fleas have entered your car, their presence is unacceptable and can make traveling in your car feel like torture for all riders. In this guide, we will share our expert tips and professional product recommendations for effectively ridding your car of fleas.


Before you can carry out a treatment program, you must be sure it is the fleas you are dealing with. Careless identification can lead to using the wrong treatment products, wasting time and money. Below is a list of facts and defining characteristics of fleas to help you with identification.

  • Fleas are tiny parasites that feed on blood. They can survive on every warm-blooded living being but prefer humans and pets like dogs, cats, and rats. However, in some cases, you may also find them on pants, shoes, or even blankets.
  • Fleas have reddish-brown flat bodies, three pairs of legs, and no wings.
  • While they cannot fly, they can jump and do so readily to get onto a host to feed on. They can jump over a foot high, around 150 times more than their height.

Use the image and description above to help you properly identify fleas in your car. If you are not entirely sure, contact us, and one of our pros will assist you with correct identification.


Flea dirt

Once you have confirmed that you are dealing with fleas, you can proceed with the inspection. During this phase, you will locate the areas where fleas are active and pinpoint why they may have gained access to your car. This will help you to determine where to focus your treatment applications.

Where to Inspect

You should focus your flea hunt in your car on the seats and carpeted floors. If you have a large cargo space, check there as well.

What To Look For

Check for live fleas in your car and flea dirt or droppings. These will look like pepper stains on your car upholstery. With these signs, you can gauge whether you have a significant infestation.


Once you confirm that there are fleas in your car and have an idea of how severe the issue is, you can move forward with treatment. When treating your car, it's important to address not just adult fleas but also flea eggs and larvae.

Flea adults are the smallest segment of the flea infestation and will have laid eggs in the fibers of the car floor carpeting. The best option to eliminate car fleas is a combination of vacuuming and Novacide Flea & Tick Killer.

Step 1: Vacuum Your Car Interior

vacuuming the car

Vacuum cleaning your car is an important first step to addressing the flea population. A powerful vacuum cleaner will suck up flea adults, eggs, and larvae and loosen eggs that have been stuck in crevices in your car.

Vacuuming also helps to stimulate flea pupae and fleas from emerging out of their cocoons, making them more susceptible to insecticide treatments. When you have a severe infestation, we recommend vacuuming daily until you experience no more itching from flea bites.

Step 2: Apply Novacide

Car novacide application

Novacide Flea & Tick Killer is a combination insecticide that kills adult fleas but also contains an insect growth regulator that disrupts the fleas' reproductive cycle, preventing eggs from hatching and developing.

Novacide also sterilizes adult fleas so they can't lay any more eggs. If you have a significant outbreak of fleas in your car, spraying Novacide on your car's floors and seats will do a great job of wiping out the infestation and ensuring it doesn't continue to grow.

With all your car doors open and windows down, spray the Novacide in a downward sweeping motion onto the seats and the car flooring. You only need to spray a light mist; don't spray to wet or saturate the seats and carpet.

Afterward, you will need to let the car ventilate and do not drive it until the product has totally dried and the fumes have dissipated. Ten to fourteen days later, vacuum your car and reapply Novacide to target the fleas that have emerged from their cocoons.

It is recommended to avoid spraying Novacide on leather upholstery, so if you have leather seats, you will not want to apply this product. Instead, focus on spraying car carpeting and non-leather areas and vacuuming the seams and grooves of the seating very well.


Petcor Flea Spray

After eliminating the flea problem from your car, you will want to make sure they don't make a return. The biggest source of flea infestation inside cars is flea-ridden pets. Take the following preventative measures to ensure you don't deal with fleas in your car again.

  • Make sure your pets are free from fleas so that the pest cannot be transferred to your car from their bodies.
  • Apart from washing your pets, one way to keep them flea-free is to use chewable or topical flea repellants that contain insecticides or a product like Petcor Flea Spray on their bodies, especially after they have been outdoors.
  • Vacuum your car periodically, and you should never have a flea problem again.

Key Takeaways

How Do Fleas Infest Cars?

  • Fleas can infest a car and make life difficult for passengers. The main reason they infest a vehicle is a flea-infested pet riding in it.

How To Get Rid of Fleas in Cars

  • We recommend spraying Novacide Flea & Tick Killer to eliminate the flea problem in your vehicle. It addresses adult fleas, larvae, and eggs and has a long residual.

Preventing Flea Reinfestations In Cars

  • Vacuuming your car and ensuring your pets do not have fleas on them with treatments like Petcor Flea Spray will ensure your vehicle is not re-infested with fleas.
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